I am Xijing Wang (王蹊径)
how to pronounce my name:
(Xijing--"she" for "Xi" and "ging" for "jing")
As a social psychologist, I mostly study human darkness. This, however, does not make me a pessimist.
My ultimate goal is to use my research to shed light on how to achieve better human relationships and social interactions.

This is meant to demonstrate that a human can (sometimes) be perceived and treated as an object. But I have realized that the objectified version of me is made too cute for this purpose.
Previous Experience
2021, Sep.--- Present. Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, City University of Hong kong.
2019, Jan. ---2021, Aug. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, The University of Hong Kong.
2014, Oct. --- 2018, Sep. Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Department of Experimental Psychology, University College London.
2017, Feb. --- 2017, May. Visiting Ph.D. Student. University of Southern California.
2013, Sep. --- 2014, Aug. MSc in Research Methods in Psychology (Distinction), Department of Experimental Psychology, University College London.
Before 2013 --- my "past life" :-)